The last episode is slated to air on March 30. Despite the generous episode count, Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! is yet another entry ...
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel has announced the newest banlist update coming to the digital trading card game in early March. The next banlist update will see two cards returning to Unlimited status ...
Oh! Trading Card Game has revealed more details on the next booster set called Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem ...
Since its launch in January, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has seen a plethora of updates bringing new cards, cosmetics, and solo mode stories to the game. Each monthly season since the game's release has ...
But now, we know of all of them. A user within the Yu-Gi-Oh! subreddit shared a post with images of 26 of the 27 cards included in the booster pack with another user rounding out the set with the ...
Oh! is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary. It feels like only yesterday that this manga, anime, and gaming juggernaut ...
While PC players will miss out on the Secret Rare Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card that's packaged with the physical edition for Switch at launch, Green Man Gaming has an awesome deal on Steam keys.
Like many a re-release before it, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection will include a few shiny new features as well. The collection will add new options for gameplay, including unlocking cards ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection is a fun and nostalgic collection of old Gameboy games but there's a classic "nostalgia tax" that makes it hard to recommend.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a true global phenomenon and fan favorite. For over 25 years the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game has amassed a fervent following and continues to flourish with each new series and expansion.
The Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and Dark Magician are among Yu-Gi-Oh!'s most iconic cards. Blue-Eyes White Dragon is associated with Seto Kaiba and is a powerful 3000 ATK ...
Check out the Launch Trailer for Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection, a card game collection developed by Digital Eclipse. Players can now experience 14 classic Yu-Gi-Oh! digital titles to celebrate ...