While Attack on Titan is arguably the greatest anime series ever, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding the Titans and ...
The 9 strongest Titans are terrifying forces of destruction, each with abilities that make them powerhouses in the series.
Eren’s origin may not have stemmed from just his involvement as a Yaegar, but when he once shared a pen with two other swine in a previous life.
To battle against Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers, you must complete his questline: The questline starts at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. This zone is accessible via the Bonny Village, located after ...
Her friendship with Ymir helps her embrace her true self, shedding the false persona of Krista Lenz. Despite a promising arc, Historia's character is underused in later seasons, and her pregnancy ...
Glintstone sorcery of Count Ymir, High Priest. One of the finger sorceries said to have been discovered in a hallowed ruin. Flings a magic nail that crumbles during flight. Charging increases potency.