MOROGORO, Tanzania – Rats have long been misunderstood, often seen as pests rather than pals. However, the African giant pouched rat, the largest in the world, possesses special qualities that ...
The Tulsa Zoo has a colony of nearly 30 naked mole rats. Despite their name, these mammals are more closely related to ...
Smugglers of pangolins, elephant tusks and rhino horn, meet your match: the sniffing rats. Conservationists in Tanzania are training the rodents to smell trafficked animal parts and illegal timber ...
Is rat sibling rivalry a real thing? When watching this video at first glance, you might think competing over food is typical behavior for rats as pets. However, the truth is a bit more muddled ...
Joining the city's "elite squad of anti-rat activists" was even funnier —and creepier — than I expected. Andrew Barrett is hardly a rat sympathizer. He's spent years waging war on the rodents ...
Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife.
The Tulsa Zoo has a colony of nearly 30 naked mole rats. The mammals are native to Africa and live almost entirely underground. The zoo has created a similar environment in the WildLife Trek Life ...