White crab meat is what most people think of when ... as it is commonly referred to in Europe and the U.K., exclusively comes from the shell cavity of the crab itself, meaning you'll only get ...
like blue crabs, in that they don’t have a uniformly hard exoskeleton and can’t grow their own shells. Instead, hermit crabs have a hard exoskeleton on the front part of their bodies but a ...
their mottled orange-and-white bodies, cream-colored undersides, and spiny, oval carapaces blend in with the rocks on the ocean floor. Those round shells and long legs give Japanese spider crabs ...
Brush crabs with Old Bay butter and season with salt and pepper. Place crabs on grill, shell-side down. Cover grill and cook, 2-3 minutes (depending on size of crabs). Baste crabs with Old Bay ...
It reaches 20-25cm/8-10in across and has heavy front claws with almost-black pincers, a rusty-red or brown shell, and red hairy legs mottled with white. Atlantic Blue crab - this crab has a blue ...
This dish is a bit fiddly, as it takes a while to get all the crab meat from the shell, but the work is not difficult. Look for crabs that are lively and heavy, and buy them on the day you're ...