Old whaling ship logbooks in a local library may offer up new insight into climate change. An unlikely project is unfolding at the Providence Public Library. Local historians and scientists are ...
Built at a cost of US$ 47 million, the 9,300-ton Kangei Maru has a slipway to haul up to 70- ton fin whales, and can store up to 600 tons of meat. Japan has launched a brand new whaling fleet ...
SHIMONOSEKI, Yamaguchi Prefecture--The Kangei Maru, a new whaling mother ship that will succeed the decommissioned Nisshin Maru, has been built here. A signing ceremony for its delivery was held ...
Some local scientists believe the records from whaling ship logs hold data about shifting winds, storms and tides. At the Providence Public Library, maritime historian and UMASS Dartmouth ...
The Kangei Maru has succeeded the world's only other whaling mother ship, the Nisshin Maru. Rather than carving up the carcasses on deck, often in bad weather, the workers will now be able to ...