I n Dwarf Fortress, aquifers are a scourge. They're layers of subterranean, water-bearing rock that continually, endlessly ...
Aquifers deep underground supply the drinking water for most of the capital region. As the freshwater is pumped out of the ...
Nearly 500 buildings in the state capital get their heat from a clean, renewable source located deep in the ground.
Spokane voters may be asked later this year whether to re-enter a regional aquifer protection coalition that the city left 21 ...
Suburban cities in Hays, Williamson, Bastrop and Travis counties are trying to find ways to make sure everyone has the water ...
A California Court of Appeal (Fifth District) (“Court”) addressed in a March 14th Opinion whether water in an aquifer could be personal property.
Ernest Lau of the Board of Water Supply, and Melodie Aduja, co-chair of the Democratic Party’s Environmental Caucus, share ...
As lawmakers weight banning carbon sequestration within the Mahomet Aquifer's footprint, they will be without guidance from ...
Ottawa County hosted its second annual water quality forum, discussing how to better manage its water resources, including ...
After years of drought, Provo has been trying to figure out how to make sure their water supply is stable—and this week, they ...