Veterans Day is right around ... or post a message on social media, especially your community’s group chat. Alternatively, ...
We hope you enjoy this message from Thomas Gallucci, a Blue Hen veteran and senior nursing student, highlighting the experiences of our incredible veteran community and the impact of donor support.
The energy level reaches top of the scale when the student body at Lake Ripley Elementary School fills the gymnasium, regardless of the program. It was no different Friday afternoon as the ...
The stories below highlight just some of the reasons by we celebrate our former service members on Veterans Day and every day! Cara Lammey, School Certifying Official in UD’s Office of Dean of ...
WEST NYACK - Several Veterans Day ceremony speakers at the historic Mount Moor Cemetery reminded dozens of attendees Monday that the past pain and shame of a nation should never be forgotten.
Shakopee’s Amazon Fulfillment Center spent Veterans Day celebrating and thanking employees who have served. Leaders at the center handed out coins and lanyards to employees on Veterans Day.