Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea (the ... The round, central opening of the iris, called the pupil, controls how much light gets into the eye, allowing you to see in lighter or darker ...
Uveitis is a painful eye condition that causes ... You may get drops in your eye to make your pupil bigger-- this lets the doctor see inside your eye better. The fluid inside your eye may not ...
Uveitis is a serious and sometimes painful eye ... The uvea is made up of a layer of blood vessels, a muscular ring that surrounds your pupil, and the iris, the colored part of your eye.
Crohn’s is one of two conditions classified as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The other type is ulcerative colitis (UC). Generally, IBD is associated with digestive symptoms. However, up to ...
Uveitis affects 1–2% of MS patients and usually occurs as a bilateral intermediate uveitis. The association of MS and uveitis suggests that they may share a common environmental exposure ...