Computers and smartphones might be where most writing is done these days, but typewriters still have work to do in the US.
“Here’s this typewriter that’s going to last their entire life, and it’s fun to use, and they hit the keys and the words are on the paper right in front of their face in real-time.
At the typewriter, your words are immediately committed to paper, for better or worse. You can usually see them pretty well, although maybe not on the current line, and that is good for letting ...
The first pieces to come off of the typewriter are the platen knobs as well as the platen, which is going to be replaced. And then I'll remove the body shells. I'll also remove the paper table ...
The local typophile and his stockpile of typewriters continue the tradition ... up to the lack of a backspace button and real ink on paper (ah!). If you look carefully, you might catch a glimmer ...