Here’s our list of eight cat breeds that we classify as orange. There’s a lot of overlap where the pigment is concerned, but all orange cat breeds are also technically tabby cats in addition ...
Cats and oranges don't mix. Most cats hate the smell of citrus and are unlikely to nibble on your orange. However, as a pet ...
The vet unveiled the five cat breeds he would never own due to the array of health issues they can suffer from - and some ...
Kitty, AKA @thejacketcat, rose to fame on social media after a series of viral videos showing off her gorgeous multicolored ...
Copper eyes in cats are a deep orange colour that can look like it has light brown in it. These are rare and striking ...
DEAR PET TALK: Isn’t it true that a cat’s personality depends on their color? Because orange cats can be really naughty. —Abraham DEAR ABRAHAM: I have been having this debate with family ...