Authors should notify NEJM of any preprint related to a manuscript submission. Presubmission Options Most NEJM article types are both solicited (invited by NEJM editors) and unsolicited (submitted ...
Revised manuscripts are expected to meet the article type’s word limit. Authors must edit accepted manuscripts to meet formatting requirements prior to publication. If the manuscript undergoes formal ...
She later lived in Hong Kong and Los Angeles, and died in 1974. 1 ln. ft. Correspondence, typed manuscript of lectures by McNairy, certificates, programs. 1 ms. (26 pp.) Photocopy of typed manuscript ...
To honor our editors’ and reviewers’ valuable time, please do not go over your article type’s word limit by more than 1,000 words. Once you submit a revised paper, we expect it to meet the article’s ...
When sending either new manuscripts or presubmission inquiries to the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), authors must classify their submissions as one of the article types described below.