TypeScript should soon become 10x faster on average. Anders Hejlsberg's team at Microsoft is working on a radical improvement ...
The Node team recently announced shipping TypeScript native support in Node 23.6. Node developers can now run TypeScript ...
The company has taken the first steps to greatly accelerate the programming language through a native implementation of the ...
If you're coming from JavaScript, you're going to find a transition to Go a lot simpler than the transition to Rust.” ...
Microsoft is creating a native implementation of the TypeScript compiler and tools, significantly improving performance and ...
Software engineer Dmitri Mitropoulos has taken porting Doom to non-computing platforms to a whole new level. The programmer managed to get Doom running inside TypeScript's type ...
The new minor release allows CommonJS modules to be called from ECMAScript and provides a more detailed check of return ...
Developer Dmitri Mitropoulos has managed to get Doom running inside of Typescript Types, after a year-long effort, resulting in three and a half trillion lines of types.