An armored truck caught fire in the O’Hara Township GetGo parking lot Wednesday morning. Fire crews were called to 1081 ...
A series of chain-reaction crashes and a fire in a Wyoming highway tunnel that killed three people started when a pickup ...
BERLIN, CT (WFSB) – Crews responded to an overnight truck fire on Route 5 North on Sunday night. The driver of a sleeper cab ...
The crash, paired with spewing water from a sheared fire hydrant, caused the roof of the store to collapse inwards.
Crews responded to a fire inside an armored truck Wednesday morning. Video from O'Hara Township showed the charred roof of the truck in the parking lot of a gas station on Freeport Road. There's no ...
Emergency services were called to the parking lot of the O’Hara Township GetGo along Freeport Road after an armored truck ...