I took a solo trip to the Huánuco region of the central Peruvian Amazon. After traveling five hours from the nearest town by car, boat and tuk-tuk, I reached the Comunidad de la Naranjal on the banks ...
A common concern is that, when recorded, documented, and shared with exclusivity, traditional knowledge loses authenticity ... But in Dënesułiné, “industry” connotes “destruction, loss, and ...
Amid a warming climate and disappearing traditional knowledge, Inuit communities in the Canadian Arctic are grappling to adapt. When sea ice ages, the salt sinks into the ocean, leaving fresh ...
The Baka interviewed herein expressed concern for how forest management impacts their livelihoods, threatens traditional ecological knowledge, and limits self-determination. Educational opportunities ...
A long-awaited intellectual property treaty relating to 'Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge' was adopted on 24 May 2024at a diplomatic conference by WIPO ...