Do I even need to point out that he was the only guy in the room wearing a suit? The Dare though, would have looked less daring at the Tom Ford show an hour later. There is no American label this ...
The first was Julian Klausner’s excellent collection for Dries Van Noten, and the other was from Haider Ackermann at Tom Ford ... femininity.” Suits have always been Ford’s calling card ...
Buy at Tom Ford Be the boss inside and outside ... All you have to do is put on a perfectly fitted Berluti suit. Made of cashmere, linen, wool, and silk, these ready-to-wear luxury suits offer ...
A difference with a distinction at Tom Ford. Plus the new Dries ... Many models, like Mr. Ford himself, were wearing black shades. Brushed wool white trousers that had a sweatpant feel were ...
The actress wore a short twist on a tailored suit to attend the opening of NH Newport. Sweeney opted for grey suiting by Tom Ford, styling the designer's double-breasted wool blazer with a ...