Punjab officials allegedly created a fictitious village named New Gatti Rajo Ki and spent Rs 43 lakh on its development. RTI ...
Shocking footage submitted to the production committee, which reveals the truth behind strange rumors about a certain village, is presented in the form of a document submitted by the filmmakers.
A pair of siblings who disappeared from Ohio in October were tracked down and found safe in an Iceland village this month.
The legend of Sugisawa Village, a village that existed in the mountains of a certain region but disappeared from the map, is revealed.
Despite being secured by a heavy chain 32 feet (almost 10 meters) above ground, the legendary sword has vanished. Most suspect it has been stolen. This has deeply affected the village of ...
HONORING OHLTOWN: The Mineral Ridge Historical Society erected its own marker to commemorate Ohlton / Ohltown, the village that disappeared under Meander Reservoir in the 1920s, when Niles and ...