Exposure to hot food on plastic surfaces can release microplastics, which, when ingested, have been linked to serious ...
Frozen vegetables can get a bad rap thanks to how they are susceptible to freezer burn. Fortunately, you can revive them with one ingredient.
Have been blaming the airlines for serving bad food? It is not their fault. The food always tastes bad midair because of a ...
Nectar Samantha Derrick, who leads an applied learning program on plant-based foods at University of California, Berkeley, said more third-party taste testing is “critical” to growing the ...
Our preoccupation with food has led to a boom in research on taste. It has turned out to be ... isn’t toxic, and has no nasty characteristics—what will that mean for the brain?” ...
An electronic tongue that can replicate flavours like cake and fish soup could help recreate food in virtual reality, but can’t yet simulate other things that influence taste, such as smell.