Encouragement to clean, redevelop and revitalize hazardous waste sites by designating all Superfund and brownfield areas is ...
In a FOX23 Investigation, a Green Country woman thinks what's in the ground on her family's land could be the reason her ...
The fossil-fuel industry wants to avoid the financial penalties that tobacco companies faced and is asking for the president’s protection against climate-related risks and new state laws.
The Climate Superfund Act cleared a key State Assembly committee earlier this month, underscoring growing statewide calls for its passage.
Systemic sclerosis appears to have a “non-random” occurrence across the United States, with clusters of people diagnosed ...
Fire crews have been working to put out the remaining hot spots and safely demolish the building. Fire Chief Brian Daake said there is no public health threat.
The EPA's letter denied Aguirre's request to the new leader of the EPA, in which she asked him to reconsider designating the ...
President Trump has appointed Wyoming native Cyrus Western to be the administrator for EPA Region 8. Western, a Republican, ...
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation announced on Wednesday, March 12th the state is looking for local ...
The site has been on the EPA’s Superfund National Priorities List for cleanup since January 2018. Work has been ongoing. Mississippi Phosphates manufactured phosphorus fertilizer at its plant on ...