We still need subject matter experts, but they should be working on the more complex ... If the specs are defined right, then you can have the person who’s talking to these virtual assistants have ...
California Education Code requires that all candidates for a teaching credential must demonstrate they are proficient in the subject matter area of their intended credential prior to clinical practice ...
Mediation is never final or binding and is heard in front of a person who is an expert on the subject matter in question. The mediator can share the law in a way that allows both parties to have ...
Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 6, No. 3, Supplement: Ninth Annual IAFIE Conference: Expanding the Frontiers of Intelligence Education (Fall 2013), pp. 393-400 (9 pages) The list of financial ...
There are two options in the State of California for establishing subject matter competence in the social sciences according to the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing. Option one involves ...