The passenger whose bag contained the stun gun was not arrested or charged. Passengers at DCA who spoke with Nexstar’s WDCW this week were surprised at how realistic the fake phone appeared.
Ohio is spending $349,400 to buy Tasers for corrections officers at two high-security state prisons. The policy for how and ...
The craziest iPhone case we've ever seen is the Volt — a stun gun case by a company called 247 Security. It delivers 50,000 volts of electricity while alerting the police and your friends of ...
The suspect reportedly brandished a stun gun on a 19-year-old employee advising that, "he doesn't wanna get hurt," before stealing the phones.
In its Week in Review blog post, the TSA says it found 22 stun guns in carry-on bags, including one disguised as an old cellphone. The Chinese-made "Kelin K95" may look like a phone, but it can ...
It then sends a signal to an Arduino which triggers the stun gun’s fire button, which shocks the player holding the guitar. As you might expect, the documentation for this project includes a ...
The South China Morning Post has reported on a “stun gun” device which claims to neutralise speakers from a distance, in an effort to shut down dance gatherings. The device created a huge stir ...
The policy for how and when the stun guns will be used inside the prisons is still being developed. The pilot project will start at Trumbull Correctional Institution in the coming weeks and then ...