New figures show that younger people are increasingly at risk of stroke. Dr Sarah Jarvis examines the latest evidence – and ...
it can also give you a chance of prevention of brain stroke. Here are a few signs of a transient ischemic attack that you should know. This can occur on one side of the body, including the face ...
A study by the American Stroke Association surveyed 1,900 people to assess public awareness of stroke symptoms. Awareness and recognition of “F.A.S.T.” stroke symptoms – Face, Arm ...
Recognizing stroke symptoms quickly remains crucial for improving outcomes. The FAST acronym helps identify common warning signs: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time to call ...
According to the American Heart Association, nearly 1 in 5 people who have a suspected transient ischemic attack will have a full-blown stroke within 90 days ... Below, experts share the early warning ...