Crowds have come together for the biggest gathering at Stonehenge since the pandemic began. Druids and pagans were joined by hundreds of others to mark the end of the longest night. English ...
The most important funeral ceremony of the year was probably held on Midwinter’s Night at Stonehenge. This may have been because it is the longest night in the year. Stonehenge is just one of ...
hippies and tourists head to Stonehenge in Britain to celebrate the winter solstice, with the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. Thousands are expected on Saturday at the ...
As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the frosty morning sky, thousands of people gathered at the iconic Stonehenge monument ... location in Wiltshire, England, has long been associated ...
hippies and tourists head to Stonehenge in Britain to celebrate the winter solstice, with the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. Thousands are expected on Saturday at ...
LONDON (AP) — Thousands of tourists, pagans, druids and people simply yearning for the promise of spring marked the dawn of the shortest day of the year Saturday at the ancient Stonehenge monument.