The Next Generation producer Rick Berman forbid writers from mentioning this legendary character from The Original Series.
O ne Star Trek story, overlooked by fans, secretly predicted the Vulcan’s greatest, and most unexpected, superpower. The ...
These actors have flitted between the Final Frontier and the Avengers but how many did you know?
Editor Jon Dudkowski has worked on a lot of big franchises including "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Star Trek." Speaking to ...
While Star Trek is known for its vast `and expandable universe of interrelated shows, films, and spin-offs, there are still a ...
The TNG casting process would go on to affect the future of the franchise for decades to come and continues to impact Star ...
Jon Dudkowski, who has worked in the editing room on both aforementioned shows, recently spoke to Bleeding Cool about his ...
We likely still have quite a while before anyone will be streaming Starfleet Academy with a Paramount+ subscription, so it's ...
The Cruise, fans sail with series actors, attend immersive experiences, and transform a cruise into a floating sci-fi utopia.
For decades, Star Trek has received acclaim for its futuristic outlook, philosophical quandaries, and iterative character ...
With no new Star Trek shows currently streaming, the fandom is in a bit of a waiting game. But among the upcoming projects, ...
Star Trek actor William Shatner admitted franchise creator Gene Roddenberry would've had a strong reaction to new slate of ...