One of the first bulbs to bloom in spring, snowdrops can push their way through light coverings of snow and they dazzle with their snow white blooms. These plants are native to Europe and parts of ...
If you want to grow one of these plants in your garden but the maintenance intimidates you, we are sharing a few expert-recommended drought-tolerant varieties. By opting for fruit trees with deep ...
Two topics which seemed to be top of mind for many gardeners visiting the show related to whether or not this winter’s cold and snow have harmed landscape plants, and if cold temperatures will ...
From left to right, the trees are a blight-susceptible wild-type American chestnut (C. dentata) called Ellis 1, a blight-resistant Chinese chestnut (C. mollissima) tree called 'Qing,' and two ...
Snow and cold temperatures rarely kill plants native to Ohio. Most insects survive cold winters by producing an antifreeze-like chemical or entering diapause. Recently, we visited with thousands ...