GEORGIA — The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division are encouraging anglers, boaters, and ...
After transforming itself inside one of the snails, the worm ventures out to find a mammal ... It can cause swimmer's itch, a red rash where it penetrates human skin. But it's not able to cause ...
Invasive apple and mystery snails in Georgia have tested positive for rat lungworm, a parasite that can cause illness if the snails are consumed raw or undercooked. Although the risk of infection ...
Registration is open for the 16th annual trail race at Southern Adventist University, a collaboration between the ...
The squishy little parasites are less than an inch long, but they cause a globe-girdling disease variously known as schistosomiasis, bilharziasis, or simply snail fever. The more man does to ...
The new worm snail species is on its shipwreck home, with the mucus web it uses to trap food. The worm snail shell appears in this image as a blue-ish tube at the center of the photo; the mucus ...
These worm larvae may look pretty, but you should keep your distance. Once they get a little more mature, they could infect you and make you sick. The circular and oval shapes in the center of this ...