Sendai’s population over the last 10 years has increased by close to 40,000, or 3.9 percent. Of that number, 31,800 were people who moved to the Miyagi capital from elsewhere. The 26 other ...
Residents in public housing in Sendai, where many people who survived the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, live, are rapidly aging, and residents’ associations are ...
SATSUMA-SENDAI, Kagoshima Prefecture--A three-day ... A total of 294 entities feature in the exercise that involves around 4,800 people. They include the central government, the Kagoshima ...
The Pokemon Company has reopened Pokemon Center Tohoku with an Ogerpon statue and an external Pikachu garden at Sendai Parco.
Yuzuru Hanyu says the desire to support his native northeastern Japan in its recovery from the 2011 earthquake-tsunami ...
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is people-focussed and action-oriented in its approach to disaster risk reduction and applies to the risk of small-scale and large-scale disasters ...
Join us to mark the Sendai Framework's 10th anniversary and the 6th anniversary of the UCL Centre for Gender and Disaster, ...