Sea truffles, sea lettuce, dulse, dillisk, Irish moss. All sorts of seaweed can be found on Scottish shores, a passionate forager explains "The seaweed on these bare rocks is very slippery," says ...
A growing industry is racing to engineer a solution to global warming using the absorbent power of the oceans. Dozens of ...
Dozens of companies and academic groups are pitching the same theory: that sinking rocks, nutrients, crop waste or seaweed in ...
His silver blade gleams as it flashes along the rocks, slicing the fronds of seaweed. “It’s getting a bit sore on my back now, but I suppose as you get older the bones start to creak.” ...
It gets a mention because it’s one of the prettiest of the seaweeds, forming clusters of its fan-shape fronds in rock pools. This species is an example of a seaweed that’s found a use as a cosmetic – ...
Many of the hundreds of types of seaweed that grow in Scotland's strong tides are edible, delicious and healthy.
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) A giant clone of bladderwrack seaweed, potentially the world's largest clone, has been identified in the Baltic Sea. This clone, spanning over 500 km, was ...