The Navy has recently afforded civilians an opportunity to enlist with a chance at going straight into the SARC (Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman) pipeline. Called the HM/ATF contract, ...
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing its investment in the Digital Sisters program to support migrant and refugee women across the country to ...
The U.S. Navy 21st Century Sailor Office has announced the release of an updated instruction governing the Sexual Assault and Prevention Response (SAPR) program. OPNAVINST 1752.1C is the first ...
She guides SARC, plus oversees program development, education and training to ensure the centre follows a survivor-centred approach. JD holds a master’s degree in Social Work from McGill University.
The Sindh Agriculture Research Council (SARC), representing small farmers and peasants, has welcomed initiatives taken by the Sindh Government under Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah. However ...