Thousands of northwesterners were disappointed when they failed to meet up with some hooligans in March. These hooligans ...
Tanana Chiefs Conference annual convention highlights issues and developments in keeping Alaska Native culture alive amidst a changing future.
Over the last ten years there has been a steady decline in hatchery-reared salmon making their mark on Alaska’s economy.
The ongoing federal funding freeze is having an immediate negative impact on my organization and 26 people in Southeast Alaska who earn a living through our work. I run the Southeast Alaska Watershed ...
Alaska salmon that begin their lives in hatcheries and are released to the sea as fingerlings, return home as adults and ...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game ... The recently released forecasts for Cook Inlet and the Copper River show an expected high number of sockeye salmon returning to rivers this summer.
The hydrokinetic turbine pilot project, scheduled to launch in June, is a partnership between the Native Village of Napaimute ...
The unpredictable availability of salmon and other fish is putting additional pressures on the subsistence rights of Alaska Natives.