Prescription-strength salicylic acid also has a penetrative ability ... and dryness. Zoryve is a cream version of the drug roflumilast. It is approved to treat psoriasis in people older than ...
Avoid use until the effects of sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid have subsided. Avoid waxing treated areas. Caution with other photosensitizers or irritants.
Avoid contact with peel of limes. Allow effects of benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, other topical acne agents to subside before applying.
The patient applied a topical multivesicular cream formulation of 6% salicylic acid (Salex, Healthpoint Ltd., Fort Worth, TX) to one foot b.i.d. The physician was blinded as to which foot was treated.