SALEM — During a celebration for the upcoming locally filmed documentary “The Last Witch”, Biff Michaud, CEO of the Salem Witch Museum, made a $10,000 contribution toward the film in an ...
The last proceedings of the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts ended in 1693. But 331 years later, religious witch hunts remain a common — if not well-publicized — occurrence in countries ...
The black, red, gray and pink design honors the thousands of individuals—mostly women—who were persecuted under the Scottish Witchcraft Act Sarah Kuta On this day in 1690, "Publick Occurrences ...
but that it's worth a visit if you're looking for a brief history lesson on the Salem witch trials. There is also a gift shop selling trinkets and Salem memorabilia. If you're looking for a more ...
While walking you'll learn about the Salem Witch Trials, maritime history and ... to the Pioneer Village and a "Hocus Pocus"-themed gift. Set sail on a replica of an 1812 privateer schooner ...
gift shops, costumed visitors and more—what the locals call “witch kitsch.” Such is the context for the Peabody Essex Museum’s restrained and scholarly installation, “The Salem Witch ...