BYU professor of English Lance Larsen has been writing poetry for four decades. His poems are regularly published in leading ...
Reading Frost requires a kind of modesty and curiosity. Coming to this modesty has been a big part of my own experience with ...
The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash’ by Alexander Clapp “There is a reason why Mafia bosses tend to work in ‘waste management,’” ...
As readers of his poetry, we’re just along for the ride. The critic Adam Plunkett expertly teases out the many meanings of Frost’s poems in “Love and Need: The Life of Robert Frost’s ...
as Frost, who had every reason to veil his sexual velleities for his friend’s wife when he wrote about them in public, would ...
Robert Frost’s poem “Hyla Brook” concludes with a resounding claim: “We love the things we love for what they are.” Frost’s greatest poems capture the details of his world as it was ...
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.” It is the first line of Robert Frost’s poem, “Mending Wall.” In the poem, Frost ...
I was surprised that, in her review of a new book on Robert Frost, Abigail Deutsch refers to the poet as a “terrifying man” (Books, Feb. 22). That doesn’t track with my own experience.
The Life of Robert Frost’s Poetry." His program will take place on Monday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m., in Mercy Hall’s Crystal Room. This event is free and open to the public. USJ is located at 1678 ...