From the Philippines to Senegal, billions of people are finding it easier to feed their families now that rice prices have ...
Nichirei Foods Inc.’s fried rice and other frozen foods will cost 10% to 30% more beginning this month. Nissin Food Products Co. will raise the prices of its “Nissin Curry Meshi” line and ...
Rice prices have been rising for roughly around one and a half years, with both premium and coarse varieties now at historic highs. Prompted by soaring prices and severe flooding in the northeast ...
Rice prices in the global market have plunged to over two-year lows on slack demand, higher inventories and stiff competition among producers, traders and experts. Projections of higher production ...
CEBU, Philippines — Prices of rice per kilo, especially for imported varieties, have gone down, while sugar prices have increased in two of Cebu City’s biggest public markets. A random check ...