<!-- wp:gutenberg-custom-blocks/featured-media {"id":"5422632","url":"https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/space-suit-armstrong.jpg","caption":"Nearly 50 ...
space suits must serve several vital functions: provide oxygen, control temperature, permit movement, power communications, and protect against solar radiation. The Z-2 is the newest prototype ...
The 'scariest photo ever taken in space' has an incredible story behind it, as it captured an astronaut completely cut off from everything else.
When NASA sent Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the Moon, it put the best of American science and engineering to the test.
the Smithsonian celebrates by releasing the results of a multi-year conservation effort of Neil Armstrong’s spacesuit. The effort to protect and display Armstrong’s suit also included sharing it with ...
Narrator: What do Neil Armstrong ... Beyond NASA, space programs in countries like Russia and China also use white suits. Not the colors of the Russian flag or China's iconic yellow and red ...
Before Neil Armstrong took his small step ... of the camera meant nobody had ever seen the danger that Armstrong saw - until now. The space agency used footage from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance ...
I’m Neil Armstrong. These are my buddies ... and to my rear is the terrifying vacuum of space. So, why are we up here? Well, there are two real powerful countries on Earth doing all they can ...