During his lifetime, Qin Shi Huang became obsessed with achieving immortality and sought the elusive elixir of life.
Discover the massive terracotta army, buried for centuries and revealing the grandeur of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. Uncover the history, mythology, and mystery of the tomb complex and its ...
Dating back thousands of years, the Terracotta Army guards the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and has never been opened.
Qin Shi Huang had work on his enormous mausoleum started early in his reign. The terracotta warriors of the “underground army” guarding the mausoleum, unearthed in 1974, amazed the world.
By 221 B.C. he had unified a collection of warring kingdoms and took the name of Qin Shi Huang Di—the First Emperor of Qin. During his rule, Qin standardized coins, weights, and measures ...
There was scant historical record of the massive burial site of Qin Shi Huang—the first emperor of China, who ruled from 221 B.C. to 207 B.C. The site, named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987 ...
The first emperor to unify China under a single dynasty, Qin Shi Huang Di packed a lot into his earthly reign, from 221 to 210 B.C.Aside from building the first lengths of the Great Wall ...
The thousands of clay soldiers guarding Qin Shi Huang's tomb are enduring representations of the ruler’s legacy Originally Published: July 2009 Would you have bought a Picasso painting in 1905 ...
He was called Qin Shi Huang or "First Emperor of Qin." He standardized the written script, weights and measures, and currency, and established the system of prefectures and counties. The ...