Austin Water’s Wildland Conservation Division conducted a succesful prescribed burn on Thursday.On Feb. 6, the prescribed ...
For a variety of reasons, hunting shed antlers is better immediately (as in within days) of a prescribed burn.
A new prescribed burn, called Sequoia N.f./tillie /feb 4, was initiated today at 7:39 a.m. in Kern County. The prescribed ...
Prescribed burns will continue around Flagstaff as fire managers hope to capitalize on unusually dry and calm conditions in the high country. The Arizona State Department of Forestry and Fire ...
Officials with the Coconino National Forest conducted prescribed burns near Flagstaff and stated that smoke could be noticeable from Interstate 17. The fire, dubbed the Walker Hill pile burn ...
A nearly 1,200-acre prescribed burn was underway Wednesday at a state park near the Indian River and Brevard counties border, according to Brevard County emergency management officials.
On Wednesday, a crew with The Hillsborough County Conservation & Environmental Lands Management Department (CELM) performed a prescribed burn of roughly 100 acres in Wimauma and Balm. The fire ...