you should identify only the first-stage strata in the STRATA statement. See the section "Specification of Population Totals and Sampling Rates" for more information. The STRATA variables are one or ...
Australia now over 3 million people living in apartments. That’s 16 per cent of the population. But despite the rising need ...
The difference between the strata with the highest and lowest predicted ... "Treating the Hispanic population as a monolith obscures significant within-group differences and can perpetuate the ...
More than a third of 50 recently surveyed Nobel laureates cited “population rise / environmental degradation” as the biggest threat to humankind. Second on the list was “nuclear war ...
All populations begin exponential growth in favorable environments and at low population densities. Because of this, exponential growth may apply to populations establishing new environments ...
Population ecology is the study of how populations — of plants, animals, and other organisms — change over time and space and interact with their environment. Populations are groups of ...
If your design is stratified with different sampling rates in the strata, then you should name a SAS data set that contains the stratification variables and the sampling rates. See the section ...