For the first time, scientists have photographed a rare plasma instability, capturing high-energy electron beams forming into ...
Fusion energy, the process of fusing light atomic nuclei to generate energy, has long been considered the key to a clean and ...
Negative triangularity is changing fusion energy! The SMART tokamak's new plasma shape could lead to compact, efficient ...
For decades, the U.S. has led the race to clean, limitless nuclear fusion energy. Now China is catching up, spending twice as ...
Scientists are conducting experiments to generate clean energy through fusion, the same sub-atomic reaction that powers our Sun, with the aim of constructing plants that produce more energy than they ...
Dozens of engineering staff and at least six theorists laid off in early February at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory ...
Researcher Shikhadri Mahanta explains the effective eco credentials of atmospheric cold plasma as a food science technique.
QUADCOIL is a groundbreaking computer code that simplifies the design of stellarator magnets, ensuring plasma shapes remain ...
Here, a magnetic field and mechanical compression are used to create fusion conditions, aka extreme heat, for compressing plasma inside a reactor to enable the production and extraction of energy.
Scientists sustained nuclear fusion plasma for 22 minutes, marking significant progress in sustainable clean energy research.