We all love a plank, right? OK, in truth everybody finds the plank exercise tough—nothing makes time stand still like when you're shaking like a leaf trying to hold your form. Want your next set ...
What does a week of side plank hip dips do for your core? This writer added them to his routine for a week to find out ...
Think your core is strong? Research shows that holding a side plank for this long puts you in the top 10% of strength. Find ...
Forget crunches and sit-ups. One of the best ways to blast your core is the oh-so-simple plank. When performing a plank with good form, you’re working your midsection, shoulders, chest ...
This core move will set your obliques on fire. Fitness trainer Emma Obayuvana explains how to do a side plank for maximum results. There are only so many burpees and press-ups you can do in your ...