The peroneal tendons are the tendons that connect the muscles of the outer side of the lower leg to the foot. These tendons may be affected by inflammation (tendonitis) or tears. Learn more about ...
PURPOSE: The most prevalent, yet unproven, theory for the development of longitudinal splits of the peroneus brevis tendon is the compression of the peroneus brevis tendon by the peroneus longus ...
The specifically lateral (outer) presentation of sural neuritis is one great clue as to the inflammation of the nerve rather than perhaps the Achilles tendon or other peroneal tendon inflammations.
Reconstruction of the Achilles tendon using peroneus brevis has been widely reported. Classically, these procedures involve relatively long surgical wounds in a relatively hypovascular area which ...
However, the application of ankle bracing to a healthy ankle over a long period has been scrutinised because of possible neuromuscular adaptations resulting in diminished dynamic support offered by ...