Goodbye; Foolin' Myself; In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning; Kary's Trance; I Cover the Waterfront; This Is Always; You Go to My Head; Trio Blue.
At 100 years and 265 days old, Allen is now certified as the oldest person to release a debut album, surpassing the previous record-holder (Colin Thackery, aged 89 years and 272 days when Love ...
reflecting the pain of racial injustice while conveying a sense of dignity and resolve. Finish story here; 10 Essential John Coltrane Jazz Songs That Define Black History & Innovation.
An American art form now more than a century old, jazz emerged from ... Orchestra and soon began recording songs, including "West End Blues," a famous early jazz tune. In 1929 Armstrong appeared ...
Everything I Love; I Fall in Love Too Easily; Straight No Chaser; All of You; Someday My Prince Will Come; The Old Country; Golden Earrings; How Long Has This Been Going On.