South Simcoe police have received safety complaints regarding groups of people standing on the side of the road, observing ...
In addition to the great gray owl, you can spot the odd, long-tailed northern hawk owl, and also the diminutive boreal owl. These owl species are cryptic and much sought after by birders.
INNISFIL — A rarity in bird-watching circles of southern Ontario has photographers flocking to the Barrie area to capture a winter tourist — a northern hawk owl. Perched atop a tree at an undisclosed ...
Last weekend, reports of a northern hawk owl had birders and vehicles stacked up in the bog, while reports of great grays owls hunting the waterfront sent droves of people to Two Harbors ...
A study led by a Hawk Mountain Sanctuary researcher has found that the snowy owl population is much less than thought. The publication, “Status assessment and conservation priorities for a ...
Residents of Ouse View care home, in Fulford, were pleasantly surprised to find the birds roaming around their ground floor lounge, courtesy of Owl Adventures.