Not exactly a household name, but as [IEEE Spectrum] points out, he invented a chess automaton in 1920 that would foreshadow the next century ... to be a chess computer but was really a guy ...
AI not so new in chess Computers have been an integral part of chess since 1997. Back then, the IBM mainframe computer Deep Blue beat the then-world champion Gary Kasparov. The next big ...
Modern World Chess Championships demand endless memorisation of computer-generated opening lines ... to chess in a much bigger way. Our event next December in South Africa will be a significant ...
The ongoing dispute between the international chess federation (FIDE) and Magnus Carlsen escalated when the governing body hit out at the Freestyle Chess Players Club, which is co-owned by the ...
A lot of computers can play chess. [Matthew Lui’s] Giraffe is a chess playing computer, but unlike other common chess programs, Giraffe taught itself to play. It apparently learned pretty well ...