When it comes to beard trimming, scissors are best for detailing. "I mainly use scissors for small touch-ups like trimming ...
A good pair of beard scissors (or just any scissors small enough to not take off a chunk of your lip) will clip any standalone beard strays, and trim the mustache hairs that fall atop the upper lip.
Everyone has facial hair, whether it’s noticeable or not. My “peach fuzz” has never bothered me before, but there have been moments in my life — especially in high school — when the ...
Top tools for trimming a handlebar moustache You've got the knowledge; now you need the gear. If you want the ultimate handlebar moustache, you'll need a pair of high-quality moustache scissors ...
The design of the Philips Series 7000 is more slender than previous models, and feels really nice in the hand from most angles when trimming a beard or moustache. The 7000 is also pretty light ...