we decided to look for similar pathways and edits in similar genes to ensure that the edits we were going to make in our our woolly mice would be compatible with life while driving the core genotype ...
Test your Genotyping IQ! Do you know when to swipe left or swipe right on your mice? Find out how much you really know about genotyping mice as a key component of managing mouse colonies efficiently.
Embryo transfer: Implant the injected eggs into the oviduct of a pseudopregnant female mouse. Genotyping: Analyze offspring to identify those that have successfully integrated the transgene into their ...
This DNA will be injected into the pronuclei of fertilized mouse eggs. Surviving embryos will be transferred to surrogate mothers and the tail tips from the pups born will be provided to the ...
The resulting experimental mouse is hemizygous for Cre and homozygous for loxP (D). This is the necessary genotype required to conditionally knock out the target gene in the specific tissue. Laura is ...