El Presidente festejó en las redes el aniversario del técnico campeón del mundo en México 86'. El año pasado también había ...
Mientras en el tema criptomonedas el debate entre “son boludos” y “son corruptos” sigue con final abierto, Javi avanza sin ...
The fallout from Argentine President Javier Milei’s involvement in a crypto scandal has expanded, now implicating his sister and closest adviser, Karina Milei. Allegations have surfaced that she ...
Lisandro Martínez se pronunció políticamente. Dibu Martínez no pero Manuel Adorni vio un guiño a La Libertad Avanza y Javier Milei.
La expresidenta Cristina Kirchner lanzó duras críticas contra Javier Milei a través de un extenso mensaje en redes sociales, ...
El presidente Javier Milei arribó esta mañana a Bahía Blanca para tomar contacto con las autoridades y los pobladores de la ...
Argentine President Javier Milei is in hot water after his brief foray into crypto that left the opposition calling for his impeachment and a judge launching a fraud probe. On February 14 ...
El Congreso argentino dio luz verde este miércoles al presidente Javier Milei para negociar un nuevo préstamo con el FMI, el ...
Argentine President Javier Milei has defended himself for promoting a cryptocurrency whose value collapsed within hours of its launch, likening those who invested in the token after his ...
On February 14, Argentine President Javier Milei shared a link on X promoting a cryptocurrency called $LIBRA. The project, he claimed, will help "foster the growth of ...
At that point, Milei’s most trusted adviser, Santiago Caputo, walked onscreen and whispered in the president’s ear. The interviewer, Jonatan Viale of Todo Noticias, stood by.