Some of the common hernia locations are at the lower chest through the diaphragm, the groin area through the lower abdominal wall, the front midline ... and incisional hernias also exist.
Bosanquet DC, Ansell J, Abdelrahman T, et al.: Systematic review and meta-regression of factors affecting midline incisional hernia rates: analysis of 14,618 Patients. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138745.
For example, in a study comparing suture repair of incisional hernia to mesh repair ... we demonstrate that components separation and midline reinforcement with a variety of graft materials ...
Whether a midline or transverse incision is used in abdominal surgery depends mainly on the disease, anatomy and potential effects on wound healing, pain and postoperative complications.
Background: Development of incisional hernia after open abdominal surgery ... 157 out of 599 patients were eligible for analysis (85 (54%) midline, 54 (35%) transverse incisions).
This aligns with another study that highlighted the commonality of incisional complications such as edema, infection, and hernia following ... skin closure of ventral midline incisions found ...