The world’s fastest electron microscope captures electron motion at a temporal resolution of one attosecond, enabling scientists to observe electron behavior with unprecedented precision.
Scientists in Luxembourg combine an ultra powerful microscope with a super resolution analysis instrument to create a device that can produce images 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human ...
Encourage children to love science by showing them the world in miniature with some of the best microscopes for kids — here are our favorite models. The best microscopes for kids allow children ...
With e-waste volumes growing, Tim Westbrook, director at Stone Group, argues that now is the time for the channel to show how it can help to tackle the sustainability problem ...
The group’s quantum-gas microscope is the first of its kind in Spain and the only one in the world capable of photographing individual strontium quantum gasses. QUIONE aims beyond merely ...
If you want them to see the world in a brand new way, this Pocket LCD Microscope is ready to give a fresh perspective. It’s lightweight and can even capture their findings in photo or video form ...
We believe that the travelling microscope was made well over 100 years ago and was used by my great great grandfather, a zoologist who travelled the world collecting samples. He may have inherited ...
The new Dimension FastScan Atomic Force Microscope (the world's fastest AFM) will enable you to scan once and get all the details you need. Contact Bruker today to see for yourself the difference ...