Why do people love that relationship so much ... Q: Can you expand on that, please? A: In Merlin, Arthur has a very loyal friend who keeps him on his toes. Arthur enjoys those challenges, and ...
Without such a prolific chronicler as Geoffrey of Monmouth, there would be no Arthur, no Guinevere, no Merlin, and no Camelot. Stories of the imaginary world we have grown to know and love might ...
Arthur and Merlin take care of each other ... Immersing yourself in that is a very attractive prospect. Viewers love a bit of escapism. Q: Do you get a kick out of Merlin's legions of fans ...
Why do people love that relationship so much ... Viewers watch it and think, "I'd like to have a friend like that". A: In Merlin, Arthur has a very loyal friend who keeps him on his toes.