Gabe Finger and some friends found a potentially new salamander species after the centuries-old Mill Pond dam collapsed in ...
The big-headed, brown spotted, two-foot-long salamanders twisted and turned in their 2,500-gallon tanks, performing for the audience. At full size, the animals can grow to 5 feet long and weigh up ...
"We are trying with the project to preserve and protect the long leaf pine ecosystem and preserve the habitat-specific good for the salamander." The reticulated flatwoods salamander once thrived ...
The two-inch-long, “neotenic” Jollyville Plateau salamander retains gills for its entire life and spends all its time underwater, inhabiting springs, spring runs and wet caves fed by the Edwards ...
This story ran in the April 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine. More than 20 million years ago a salamander hatchling less than three-quarters of an inch long met a traumatic end.
Earlier this year, partner organizations released 50 federally endangered reticulated flatwood salamanders on privately owned land in Pace.
The rare salamanders are only found in a handful of east Tennessee caves. “This agreement is an important step toward securing long-overdue protections for the Berry Cave salamander and correcting a ...